Feelgrounds pricing: this is how we price our barefoot shoes
A question that reaches us frequently here at Feelgrounds is the following: "How do you set the prices for your products?"
This is indeed a very good question! Before Feelgrounds was established, we from team Feelgrounds were also consumers in the barefoot shoe market. At that time we asked ourselves the exact same question of why barefoot shoes usually cost more than a hundred Euros.
Now, as a young barefoot shoe brand, and of course we can only speak for ourselves here, we would like to give you some insight into our pricing.
To us at Feelgrounds creating a win-win situation for everyone involved is extremely important. You as consumers should be able to buy stylish barefoot shoes for a fair price. And we from Feelgrounds want to make sure that our employees and partners are paid fairly and our barefoot shoes produced are of high-quality.
Since the beginning, we made it our mission to make barefoot shoes available and appealing to more people. We are therefore constantly working on improving our shoes and our service, while offering the best prices possible.
So this is how we set our prices
Let's say Hans-Peter from Germany is browsing our shop and places an order for a pair of our Original Knit in Gum Graphite. Not only is Feelgrounds happy about Hans-Peter's order then, but also settles some direct expenses with the 119,00 € received:
- Material and manufacturing costs
- Import costs and customs duties
- Value added tax
- Payment fees e.g. to PayPal
- Packaging costs
- Shipping costs
- etc.
To keep the business running, however, and to spare Hans-Peter from having to fly to the shoe factory with a sketch of his desired shoe himself, there are a number of tasks that need to be done before: the shoe has to be designed, materials have to be chosen and tested, prototypes have to be made, e-mails have to be written, etc.,... so-called overhead costs!

Celebrating new prices
And now to the good news: You might have already discovered the cause for joy in our online store!
Now - one year after we have delivered the first barefoot shoes to our customers - the time has come. Thanks to your support we can now reduce the prices of our models by 10,00 €.
Because if you guys buy more Feelgrounds and we can keep the overhead costs more or less stable, there will be more margin for us to work with. As with a larger quantity sold the overhead costs can be distributed by more pairs of shoes.
From the bottom of our hearts, we would, therefore, like to thank you for your support. And today we are doing this in the form of our new lower prices!
Shop your pair of freshly discounted barefoot shoes now
Your Feelgrounds team
Update 29th of July 2021: In the meantime we have revised our pricing structure. You can read more about it in this blog post.